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Virtual Event via Zoom
9 June 2022 | 10:00 AM Manila Time (8 June 2022 | 10:00 PM EST)
This online event will be via Zoom. Please register by 8 June 2022. Registration via zoon is required (registration is free of charge).
Should you have any inquiry, please contact ADB Secretariat, Ms. Yvonne Osonia, CSIF (yosonia.consultant@adb.org) and Ms. Sheila Sombillo, ABMF (ssombillo.consultant@adb.org).
To download webinar materials, please click here.
Overview: Objective: While shortening the securities settlement cycle is widely believed to improve capital and operational efficiencies and benefit from risk reduction, it is unlikely to be implemented without industry-wide engagement, collaboration, and support. The webinar will provide an opportunity for ASEAN+3 markets to educate themselves on other markets' movements and efforts surrounding shortening the settlement cycle and its impact. The webinar will illustrate the approach for accelerating the securities settlement in the United States and India, highlighting the benefits as well as the necessary operational and business changes in light of potential risks and constraints.
Form and Duration: The webinar will be structured around information sharing and discussion sessions: two 20-minutes presentations from industry leaders in the United States and India and a 40-minutes panel discussion. The duration is aimed at a maximum of one and a half hours.
Target Audience: This ABMF-CSIF webinar will invite market players and experts from the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, including members of ABMF and CSIF, as well as government officials from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus the People's Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, collectively known as ASEAN+3.
The ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF)
The ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum was founded in May 2010 by the finance ministers of ASEAN+3 under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI). The Forum's mission is to integrate the ASEAN+3 markets through standardization and harmonization of regulations and market practices relating to cross-border bond transactions. The Forum is open to experts interested in bond market developments and regional financial cooperation. ABMF meetings are held three times a year, bringing together experts from the ministries of finance, central banks, securities market regulators, central securities depositories, securities exchanges and market operators, financial market associations, and major financial institutions and IT vendors in the region.
The Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum (CSIF)
The Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum was established in 2013 by the ASEAN+3 finance ministers under ABMI. The members of CSIF are composed of the central banks and central securities depositories of the ASEAN+3 economies. CSIF is mandated to facilitate discussions of the ASEAN+3 region's cross-border bond and cash settlement infrastructure, including the establishment of a regional settlement intermediary. CSIF meetings are held three times, normally back-to-back, with ABMF.