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Event Details:

24-27 July 2023 | Tokyo, Japan

Meeting Materials:

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The 37th ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) will be held on 24-27 July, jointly held with the Asia Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) under the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), Joint XBRL Asia Roundtable, and Asia Business Law Institute (ABLI).

The ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) was established in May 2010 by the finance ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus the People's Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea-collectively known as ASEAN+3-under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI). The Forum is the only regional platform of which actions and recommendations are reported to the ASEAN+3 policy discussion. It functions to integrate the ASEAN+3 markets through standardization and harmonization of regulations and market practices as well as market infrastructures relating to cross-border bond transactions.

ABMF meetings are held three times a year, bringing together more than 100 experts from the ministries of finance, central banks, securities market regulators, central securities depositories, securities exchanges and market operators, financial market associations as well as major financial institutions and IT vendors in the region. The forum is open to experts who are interested in financial market developments and regional financial cooperation.

The Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) is a platform for collaboration among public and private sectors and international organizations established by the APEC Finance Ministers in 2013. Its primary mission is to assist APEC member economies in implementing initiatives endorsed by the Ministers, including the deliverables under the Ministers' multi-year Cebu Action Plan. The Finance Ministers entrusted oversight of the APFF to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC).

XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an open international standard for digital business reporting and lets reporting information move between organizations rapidly, accurately, and digitally. The XBRL Asia Roundtable (XART) brings together XBRL experts, project leaders, and national regulators from throughout Asia and Oceania to discuss topics of common interest, including project updates and regulatory developments.XART is not only for XBRL society but also open to anyone who wants to modernize information supply chain.

Launched in 2016, the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) is a neutral, non-profit permanent institute based in Singapore that is dedicated to providing practical guidance in the field of Asian legal development and promoting the convergence of Asian business laws. ABLI has been assigned an Asian-centric focus, a polycentric and practice-oriented identity, and a projects-based strategy for promoting convergence. Since its inception, ABLI's initiatives have attracted significant press and media coverage, as well as great interest from stakeholders in all the fields where it has expressed its intention to initiate projects of legal convergence.

In addition to the regular updates on the ABMF activities, the 37th ABMF Meeting will discuss the following issues:

  • 24 July: How can we develop an enabling framework for sustainable finance, especially transition finance? co-organized with APFF
  • 25 July: XBRL Asia Round Table, co-organized with XBRL
  • 26 July: ABMF updates (Sub Forum 1 and Sub Forum 2)
  • 27 July: How will digitalization and digital assets impact Asian financial markets? co-organized with ABLI

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