Welcome! AsianBondsOnline is a one-stop source of information on bond markets in emerging East Asia.

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Market Watch

LCY Close: 02-Oct-24
LCY Close: 02-Oct-24
LCY Close: 02-Oct-24
LCY Close: 02-Oct-24
LCY Close: 02-Oct-24
Bond Pricing Data

China, People's Republic of
Source: China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC) Indonesia
Source: Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia
Source: Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia
Source: Philippine Dealing & Exchange Corp. Thailand
Source: Thai Bond Market Association ASEAN+3 Region
Source: Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia, Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency, and Thai Bond Market Association

The AsianBondsOnline web portal is an ASEAN+3 Initiative supported by the Asian Development Bank and funded by the Government of Japan through the Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific. Read more.

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