Welcome! AsianBondsOnline is a one-stop source of information on bond markets in emerging East Asia.

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Market Watch

LCY Close: 13-Feb-25
LCY Close: 13-Feb-25
LCY Close: 13-Feb-25
LCY Close: 13-Feb-25
LCY Close: 13-Feb-25

Asia Bond Monitor

The Asia Bond Monitor (ABM) is AsianBondOnline's quarterly publication released every March, June, September, and November. The report reviews re2cent developments in East Asian local currency bond markets along with the outlook, risks, and policy options. The ABM covers the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries and the People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; and the Republic of Korea.

More on Asian Bond Monitor

Weekly Debt Highlights

The Weekly Debt Highlights Report provides a summary of the relevant key macroeconomic data and monetary policy updates released in the previous week in the various economies covered by ABO. The report also includes select government and corporate debt issuances, credit rating updates, and other relevant regulatory developments. The report is published every Monday.

More on Weekly Debt Highlights

Monthly Debt Roundup

The ABO Monthly Debt Roundup provides a snapshot on changes in financial prices such as foreign exchange, yields, equity as well as recent monetary policy rate movements in the region. In addition, the ABO Monthly Debt Roundup provides data on foreign investor bond flows of local currency government bonds for the PRC, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.

More on Monthly Debt Roundup

ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guides

The ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide is a series published by the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum in collaboration with ADB as its secretariat. Each country-specific guide provides information on the investment climate, rules, laws, opportunities, and characteristics of the local bond market. The guides are produced in close consultation with local policymakers and market players.

More on Bond Market Guide

Bond Pricing Data

China, People's Republic of
Source: China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC) Indonesia
Source: Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia
Source: Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia
Source: Philippine Dealing & Exchange Corp. Thailand
Source: Thai Bond Market Association ASEAN+3 Region
Source: Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia, Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency, and Thai Bond Market Association

The AsianBondsOnline web portal is an ASEAN+3 Initiative supported by the Asian Development Bank and funded by the Ministry of Finance Japan, through the Investment Climate Facilitation Fund. Read more▸.

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