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Event Details:

8 - 12 July 2024 ǀ Kumamoto, Japan

Meeting Materials:

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The 40th ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Meeting will be jointly held with Sustainable Finance Institute Asia (SFIA), XBRL Asia Roundtable, and Asia Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) under the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). The event is co-organized by Kumamoto Gakuen University KGU), Kumamoto International Convention & Tourism Bureau (KICB), eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), Sustainable Finance Institute Asia (SFIA) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) was established in May 2010 by the finance ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea—collectively known as ASEAN+3—under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI). The Forum is the only regional platform on which actions and recommendations are reported to the ASEAN+3 policy discussion. It functions to integrate the ASEAN+3 markets through standardization and harmonization of regulations and market practices as well as market infrastructures relating to cross-border bond transactions.

ABMF meetings are held three times a year, bringing together more than 100 experts from the ministries of finance, central banks, securities market regulators, central securities depositories, securities exchanges and market operators, financial market associations as well as major financial institutions and IT vendors in the region. The forum is open to experts who are interested in financial market developments and regional financial cooperation.

Kumamoto Gakuen University (熊本学園大学, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku) called Gakuendai (学園大) or Shōdai (商大), is a private Japanese university in Kumamoto, Japan. It was established in 1942, at which time the Institute of Oriental Languages (東洋語学専門学校 Tōyō Gogaku Senmon Gakkō) was subsumed into it. It was renamed Kumamoto Institute of Foreign Languages (熊本語学専門学校 Kumamoto Gogaku Senmon Gakkō) in 1945, and was made into Kumamoto University of Commerce (熊本商科大学 Kumamoto Shōka Daigaku) in 1954.[1] It acquired its current name, Kumamoto Gakuen University, in 1994. At present, the university has 5 faculties with 12 departments.

The university has an affiliated senior high school, located immediately adjacent to the campus, and it is recognized as one of the best in the prefecture. The university also has an affiliated junior high school and a kindergarten.

XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an open international standard for digital business reporting and lets reporting information move between organizations rapidly, accurately, and digitally. The XBRL Asia Roundtable (XART) brings together XBRL experts, project leaders, and national regulators from throughout Asia and Oceania to discuss topics of common interest, including project updates and regulatory developments.XART is not only for XBRL society but also open to anyone who wants to modernize information supply chain.

Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) is a platform for collaboration among public and private sectors and international organizations established by the APEC Finance Ministers in 2013. Its primary mission is to assist APEC member economies in implementing initiatives endorsed by the Ministers, including the deliverables under the Ministers’ multi-year Cebu Action Plan. The Finance Ministers entrusted oversight of the APFF to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC).

Sustainable Finance Institute Asia (SFIA) is an independent institute established to catalyze ideas on Sustainable Finance at the policy level, as well as propel action in support of those policy ideas in Asia, particularly in ASEAN. It aims to provide thought leadership and act as a one-stop center for Sustainable Finance in ASEAN through collaborations with governments, regulators, central banks, multilateral development banks, industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations.

In addition to the regular updates on the ABMF activities, the 40th ABMF Meeting will discuss the following issues:

DateTheme of the day
8 July
(Day 1)
Expanding the scope of sustainable finance for Asia, co-organized with SFIA
The concept of sustainability should not be limited to climate change but also various social and environmental problems that would impact on society. Day 1 discussion will expand the scope of the concept of sustainability and how to link it with finance.
9 July
(Day 2)
How can digital transformation impact ASEAN+3? co-organized with XBRL
Digital transformation is inevitable in all aspects of market development. The development of artificial intelligence is remarkable, but it would still require an enabling data environment. Day 2 discussion will provide some case studies on how digitalization can support financial market transformation in ASEAN+3.
10 July
(Day 3)
ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Updates (Sub Forum 1 and Sub Forum 2)
The Secretariat will update on the progress in the ASEAN+3 markets. Besides, notable recent market developments in ASEAN+3 and other regions will be shared.
11 July
(Day 4)
3 Breakout sessions
Workshop: Deep dive into sustainable finance market development
The workshop will discuss how to create regional sectoral transition pathways. In addition, we will discuss the importance of technical standardization for calculating CO2 emissions more easily. (Note: The workshop for local external reviewers/verifiers will be moved from 12 July afternoon to 11 July afternoon and becomes part of the deep dive workshop. For those who have already registered to the verifiers workshop, no need to redo the registration)
Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum (CSIF) on Digital assets and Central Bank Digital Currency
The Secretariat will share the recent developments in digital assets and CBDC in ASEAN+3. This CSIF session is open to ABMF participants. Please contact Ms. Yvonne Osonia, yosonia.consultant@adb.org.
XBRL Asia Roundtable Part 1
ESG Reporting Landscape & Updates from Regulators
(ABMF members and observers are welcome to join)
12 July
(Day 5)
3 Breakout sessions
Sustainable finance seminar organized by APFFAsian GX Consortium Meeting
By invitation to Asian GX Consortium members only
, namely: Japan's 3 mega-banks, DBJ, JBIC, JICA, ADB, ASEAN financial authorities and GFANZ.
CSIF on cross-border collateral
In this session, we will discuss how to promote cross-border government bond transactions. This CSIF session is open to ABMF participants. Please contact Ms. Yvonne Osonia, yosonia.consultant@adb.org.
CSIF on tour de table discussion (members and observers only)
XBRL Asia Roundtable Part 2
Data Analysis & Vendor Presentations

(ABMF members and observers are welcome to join)