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30 Dec 2020
These guidelines explain how the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) relates to the professional Cambodian bond market.
List of recent bond issuance.
06 Feb 2020
These guidelines explain the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) and relate AMBIF Elements to the corresponding features of the professional Philippines bond market.
15 Sep 2015
This report represents the findings and conclusions of the The ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Sub-Forum 1 during its Phase 3.
August 2015
This report describes the key features of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), also known as AMBIF Elements, and puts into perspective the equivalent features of the domestic professional bond market in Hong Kong, China.
August 2015
This report describes the key features of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), also known as AMBIF Elements, and puts into perspective the equivalent features of the domestic professional bond market in Japan.
August 2015
This report describes the key features of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), also known as AMBIF Elements, and puts into perspective the equivalent features of the domestic professional bond market in Malaysia.
August 2015
This report describes the key features of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), also known as AMBIF Elements, and puts into perspective the equivalent features of the domestic professional bond market in Philippines
August 2015
This report describes the key features of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), also known as AMBIF Elements, and puts into perspective the equivalent features of the domestic professional bond market in Singapore.
August 2015
This report describes the key features of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), also known as AMBIF Elements, and puts into perspective the equivalent features of the domestic professional bond market in Thailand.
December 2013
This report describes the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework proposal in greater detail. The proposal in this report aims to obtain the consent of the policy bodies and regulatory authorities in participating markets.