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Event Details:

10-13 February 2025 ǀ Seoul, Republic of Korea

Meeting Materials:

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The 42 nd ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Meeting and related events will be held on 10-13 February 2025 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The ABMF will be held in the afternoon on 11 and 12 February 2025, jointly with the 31st Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum (CSIF) in the morning on 11 February. After ABMF, there will be a seminar on sustainable finance on 13 February. Before the ABMF, the inaugural Digital Bond Market Forum (DBMF) will be held on 10 February. ABMF participants are invited to CSIF, DBMF, and the Sustainable Finance Seminar. The events are co-organized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea (KMOEF), Yonsei University (Yonsei), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) was established in May 2010 by the finance ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea—collectively known as ASEAN+3—under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI). The Forum is the only regional platform on which actions and recommendations are reported to the ASEAN+3 policy discussion. It functions to integrate the ASEAN+3 markets through standardization and harmonization of regulations and market practices as well as market infrastructures relating to cross-border bond transactions.

ABMF meetings are held three times a year, bringing together more than 100 experts from the ministries of finance, central banks, securities market regulators, central securities depositories, securities exchanges and market operators, financial market associations as well as major financial institutions and IT vendors in the region. The forum is open to experts who are interested in financial market developments and regional financial cooperation.

Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea. The Ministry is committed to developing a strong economy and building growth engines through the concerted efforts of its offices and bureaus. The Ministry works to ensure macroeconomic and financial stability, effective policy coordination, efficient allocation of national resources, fiscal soundness, rational tax policies, and robust international cooperation.

Graduate School of Environmental Finance, Yonsei University. Established with the support of the Korea Ministry of Environment as Korea's first specialized graduate school in green finance, our mission is to train experts with technical knowledge and data-driven analytical skills in climate change and environmental finance. Specifically, our graduate program aims to educate professionals who will lead "green digital finance" by integrating environmental understanding with essential digitalization knowledge.

Korea Banking Institute. The Korea Banking Institute was established to contribute to the development of the financial industry by improving the skills and technical know-how of those working in the financial industry through training, certification, and publications.

The events start from the inaugural meeting of the DBMF on 10 February. As stated in the ABMI Medium-term Road Map 2023-2026, “promoting digital transformation to integrate the ASEAN+3 financial markets” is considered one of the pillars of the roadmap. Therefore, DBMF and ABMF will collaborate closely to achieve tangible results through regional discussions. Before the 42nd ABMF Meeting, we will organize the CSIF. This time, the discussion is open to non-members. The CSIF will share lessons from Korea’s government bond market reform, which led to a sudden increase in cross-border government bond transactions. The ABMF will also discuss sustainable finance on 12 February. This will be followed by a sustainable finance seminar on 13 February, co-organized by Yonsei University.

DAY 1 (Mon): 10 February Digital Bond Market Forum - Inaugural meeting
DAY 2 (Tue): 11 February MORNING
Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum (open to non-members)

- Lessons from the Korea’s government bond market reform
ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Part 1

- ABMI updates (SF2)
DAY 3 (Wed): 12 February ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Part 2
- Sustainable Finance
DAY 4 (Thurs): 13 February Sustainable Finance Seminar